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Ollie Hart

 Ollie Hart

Ollie Hart

Member of Corpus Christi College
PhD student in Dr Castelnovo's group

Office: 540 Mott Bld
Phone: +44(0)1223 3 37354
Email: ocmh2 @

TCM Group, Cavendish Laboratory
19 JJ Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge, CB3 0HE UK.

Research Image


My research is broadly concerned with the study of quantum spin liquids at nonzero temperatures. In particular, I have worked on:

In general, I am interested in the exact study of simple models, such as Kitaev’s toric code, in order to understand general trends, which are likely shared with more complex, experimentally relevant models.

Research Image

In Plain English

A quantum spin liquid is a material in which the constituent degrees of freedom, spins, do not order even at the absolute zero of temperature. The behaviour of this liquid-like state is dominated by strong fluctuations. This phenomenon naturally arises in two dimensions as a result of geometric frustration (e.g., in frustrated magnets).

Real experiments on quantum spin liquids always take place at some temperature above absolute zero. The main goal of my research is to understand the change from “quantum” to “classical” behaviour as temperature is increased in these systems. We would like to understand through the use of simple models the effect that this has on experiments, such as neutron scattering.