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Journal club

Next Session:

On Break until Easter

Upcoming Sessions:

  • 15/5/2024 14:00 Open
  • 22/5/2024 14:00 Open
  • 29/5/2024 14:00 Open
  • 5/6/2024 14:00 Open
  • 12/6/2024 14:00 Open

The Journal Club provides an informal environment to practice presenting scientific material, a platform for discussion, as well as exposure to a broader background in physics. Everyone is welcome to attend, but if you are interested in giving a talk please let us know (by emailing als217 @

Talks should present the key results of a seminal paper chosen by the presenter, over a maximum of 45 minutes with at least 15 minutes for discussion. Presenters should be aware that these talks are usually very interactive, and plan time accordingly. Whilst there are no restrictions on the publication date or subject matter of the paper, we encourage presenters to choose material which has proved to be influential for a wide section of the theoretical condensed matter community.

A good source of material for this is Journal Club for Condensed Matter Physics , which collates key papers and accompanies them with a commentary by a distinguished correspondent.

The presentation itself need not follow the same structure as the original paper, and more modern pedagogical approaches to the same result can be adopted. Blackboard presentations are preferred.

Administrative Details

Meetings are generally held on Wednesday between 14:00-15:00 in the TCM seminar room.

The next speaker and their chosen paper/topic will be announced via the mailing list and will be shown to the right. Subscribers will be listed to the right in the order they will present.

The presenter should send either a reference to their chosen paper, or a title of their talk, by email to the organiser at least 5 days in advance of their slot. A PDF copy of this reference will be distributed to the mailing list in advance of the talk.

Previous Talks

2023 - 2024

2022 - 2023

2019 - 2020

2018 - 2019

2017 - 2018

2016 - 2017