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The Metropolis Algorithm

  The Metropolis algorithm is a method of sampling random numbers from a prescribed probability distribution using a random walk. To generate a configuration, sampled from first start with a randomly distributed set of positions . Then move each particle by a vector chosen from a Gaussian distribution centred on a sphere of radius 'step size', gif to a new trial position, .

This new trial position is then accepted with probability P,


where is a configuration with the particle at . If a move is rejected then the old configuration R becomes the new configuration R ', otherwise R ' becomes the new configuration. After a large enough number of moves the positions of the particles within configuration R will become asymptotically distributed according to . The proof of the Metropolis algorithm can be summarised as follows. Consider a whole set of configurations evolving according to the Metropolis algorithm. When they have reached equilibrium the number of configurations moving from R to R ' is equal to the number walking from R ' to R and therefore

Now at equilibrium

Therefore the rule for accepting a move is


One, of many, ways of satisfying this relationship is to allow the probability of moves according to

The most important advantage of using the Metropolis algorithm in QMC calculations is the fact that the condition for accepting or rejecting a move of an electron depends on the ratio of the value of the wavefunction at two points in space, not the absolute values at those points. Calculating this ratio can be shown [9] to take only order N arithmetic operations, where N is the number of electrons in the system. This is

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Andrew Williamson
Mon May 22 14:48:37 BST 1995