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Wavefunctions for Solid Calculations


The general Hamiltonian of Eq.(gif) can be adapted for a supercell calculation in the following way


where tex2html_wrap_inline6581 is the set of translation vectors of the supercell lattice, the potential tex2html_wrap_inline5917 has the periodicity of tex2html_wrap_inline6581 , and N is the number of electrons in the supercell. In the case where the supercell is constructed from integer multiples of the primitive unit cells, as is the case for all the calculations described here, tex2html_wrap_inline5917 also then has the periodicity of the set tex2html_wrap_inline6591 of translation vectors of the underlying crystal lattice.

Trial wavefunctions for this supercell Hamiltonian are based on the general trial wavefunction introduced in Eq.(gif),


The Slater determinants are constructed from one-electron orbitals obtained from an LDA calculation. The tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -point sampling in the LDA calculation is chosen to produce the desired number of one-electron orbitals for constructing the Slater determinant in the QMC trial/guiding wavefunction. For example, if an n=1, 1x1x1 supercell is chosen for the QMC calculation then the LDA calculation is also performed on a single unit cell and the wavefunctions are sampled at one tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -point. If an n=2, 2x2x2 supercell is chosen for the QMC calculation then the LDA calculation is again performed on a single unit cell but now the wavefunctions are sampled from a 2x2x2 mesh of tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -points in the Brillouin Zone of the primitive lattice.

Recently, new insights have been made into the best choice for the tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -points at which the one-electron wavefunctions should be calculated [33, 50] for use in QMC calculations. To understand these, first one should consider the translational symmetries of the above Hamiltonian.

  1. tex2html_wrap_inline5881 is invariant under the translation of any electron coordinate by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6581 .
  2. tex2html_wrap_inline5881 is invariant under the simultaneous translation of all electron coordinates by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6591 .
Symmetry (2) is a property of the truly infinite system, whereas (1) is a property of the supercell method. Both of these symmetries give rise to a Bloch type condition.

Symmetry (1) implies that the wavefunction can only change by a phase factor when any single electron is translated by a supercell lattice vector. The indistinguishability of the electrons ensures that this phase factor must be the same no matter which electron is moved. This can be demonstrated by applying Bloch's theorem separately to the first and second arguments of the wavefunction and, for the moment, assuming that the two tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -vectors are different;



We can then apply the permutation symmetry to Eq.(gif):


We now translate the second argument by tex2html_wrap_inline6615 ,


and then apply permutation symmetry once more, giving


It therefore follows that


where tex2html_wrap_inline6617 is the set of vectors reciprocal to tex2html_wrap_inline6581 . The vectors tex2html_wrap_inline6621 and tex2html_wrap_inline6623 can be reduced into the first Brillouin Zone (BZ) of the supercell reciprocal lattice, therefore we can choose tex2html_wrap_inline6625 without loss on generality. The wavefunction can therefore be written in the form


where tex2html_wrap_inline6627 is invariant under the translation of any electron coordinate by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6581 , and is antisymmetric under particle exchange.

Now consider the second symmetry of tex2html_wrap_inline5881 which states that the wavefunction can only change by a phase factor when all the electrons are translated by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6591 . This allows us to write


where tex2html_wrap_inline6635 is the crystal momentum of the wavefunction and tex2html_wrap_inline6635 can be reduced into the first BZ of the lattice reciprocal to tex2html_wrap_inline6591 . It therefore follows that tex2html_wrap_inline5833 can be written in the alternative form


where tex2html_wrap_inline6643 in invariant under the simultaneous translation of all electron coordinates by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6591 and is antisymmetric under particle exchange.

The operators which translate all the electrons by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6591 and the operators which translate a single electrons by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6581 commute with each other and with the Hamiltonian, i.e. they form a complete set of commuting operators. Therefore the eigenfunctions of the Hamiltonian in Eq.(gif) can be chosen to satisfy both the above symmetries at the same time. We can obtain a relationship between the values of tex2html_wrap_inline6635 and tex2html_wrap_inline6653 by translating all the electrons by a vector in tex2html_wrap_inline6581 (which is a subset of tex2html_wrap_inline6591 ), and using Eq.(gif) we find


This must agree with Eq.(gif), which yields


In a QMC trial wavefunction, the value of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 is determined by the Slater determinant. If all the one-electron wavefunctions making up the determinant reduce to the same value of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 in the supercell BZ, then the overall determinant and hence the wavefunction will have that value of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 . The value of tex2html_wrap_inline6635 for a QMC trial wavefunction is determined by the sum of all the tex2html_wrap_inline6635 values of the one-electron wavefunctions making up the determinant. Applications of QMC prior to Refs.[33, 50] used the conceptually simplest choice of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 and tex2html_wrap_inline6635 , namely tex2html_wrap_inline6673 . This is achieved by choosing the tex2html_wrap_inline6593 -values for the one-electron orbitals on a uniform grid or mesh centred on the origin in reciprocal space, with a grid spacing tex2html_wrap_inline6677 .

In the limit of an infinite simulation cell, the value of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 must tend to zero. However, for a finite simulation cell, the groundstate does not always take the values tex2html_wrap_inline6673 [33]. In the following section, we consider the specific systems of diamond structure germanium and silicon and explore what is the best choice of values of tex2html_wrap_inline6653 and tex2html_wrap_inline6635 for these systems.

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Andrew Williamson
Tue Nov 19 17:11:34 GMT 1996