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3. Fourier transform of the basis functions

We define the Fourier transform of a basis function $\chi_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf r})$ by
$\displaystyle {\tilde \chi}_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf k})$ $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_{\mathrm{all~space}} \mathrm{d}^{3}r~\mathrm{e}^{{\mathrm{i}}{\bf k} \cdot {\bf r}}~\chi_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf r})$  
  $\textstyle =$ $\displaystyle \int_{0}^{r_{\alpha}} \mathrm{d}r ~ r^2~j_{\ell}(q_{n \ell} r) \i...
~ \mathrm{e}^{{\mathrm{i}}{\bf k} \cdot {\bf r}}~\bar{Y}_{\ell m}(\Omega) .$ (7)

The angular integral is performed by using the expansion of $\mathrm{e}^{{\mathrm{i}} {\bf k} \cdot {\bf r}}$ into spherical-waves (42, Appendix) leaving the radial integral
{\tilde \chi}_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf k}) = 4 \pi
...lpha}} \mathrm{d}r~r^2~ j_{\ell}(q_{n \ell} r)~j_{\ell}(k r) .
\end{displaymath} (8)

The radial integral can now be calculated using equations (43,44) given in the Appendix and the boundary conditions (that the basis functions are finite at $r = 0$ and vanish at $r = r_{\alpha}$) for the cases when $k \not= q_{n
\ell}$ and $k = q_{n \ell}$ respectively. The final result for the Fourier transform of a basis function is then
{\tilde \chi}_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf k}) = 4 \pi {\mathrm{...
...ll} r_{\alpha}
) , & k = q_{n \ell} . & (b)
\end{displaymath} (9)

Equation (9b) is in fact a limiting case of (9a) which can therefore always be substituted for ${\tilde \chi}_{n \ell m}^{\alpha}({\bf k})$ in an integral over reciprocal-space.
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Peter Haynes