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Prof. Mark Warner

Recent former members of the research group include:

Dr. Daniel Corbett: Now in Manchester (scientific computing). Photo-elastomers, polydomain response, photo- and electro-mechanical actuation, NMR, dye absorption of intense optical beams (Non-Beer response) complex flow and rheology, display devices, . . .

Dr Carl Modes. Now at MPI, Dresden. Former post-doc: photo-elastomers, shell mechanics, actuation and Gaussian curved structures, instabilities and bistability, failure modes and cracks, . . . Formerly Physics, U Penn.

Dr James Adams. Former lecturer, Physics Department, Surrey University, former research fellow Fitwilliam College, former PhD student. Statistical mechanics and mechanics of smectic elastomers, complex flows and rheology, . . . Scientific consultancy.

Dr. Milos Knezevic, former research student, Trinity College, Cambridge, Winton scholar. New methods of solar energy harvesting, photo-mechanics, . . . Then Oxford, UCLA, Berlin (lecturer).