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Choice of Parameters


In the solid QMC calculations described in chapter gif, is expressed as a Fourier expansion in reciprocal lattice vectors, tex2html_wrap_inline7079


These Fourier coefficients provide an obvious set of variational parameters to optimise the wavefunction with respect to. A total of 2554 tex2html_wrap_inline6813 -vectors was originally chosen [33] for the number of tex2html_wrap_inline6813 's used in the expansion of in the germanium solid. This is far too large a number of parameters for the optimisation procedure and so the first simplification is to reduce the number of free parameters by forcing all the coefficients of a star of tex2html_wrap_inline6813 's to have the same magnitude. A star of tex2html_wrap_inline6813 's is a group of tex2html_wrap_inline6813 's related by the point group symmetry of the lattice. By grouping the tex2html_wrap_inline6813 's in stars we can impose the full space group symmetry of the crystal on the function. This grouping allows Eq.(gif) to be rewritten as


For a crystal with the origin of coordinates at a centre of inversion symmetry, the phase factors in Eq.(gif) are simply tex2html_wrap_inline7093 . Recently, Fahy et al.[67] have studied the Boron Nitride crystal within VMC. In this case the inversion symmetry no longer holds, but one can still choose a set of `generalised stars' with which the function can be represented by an independent, real, variational coefficients for each `generalised star'. The grouping of tex2html_wrap_inline7079 vectors into stars reduces the number of free parameters to around 130. This is still a very large space in which to perform an accurate optimisation, so it was decided to investigate the effect of reducing the number of stars in the expansion of tex2html_wrap_inline6237 , as it was suspected that stars for larger tex2html_wrap_inline7079 vectors contained only noise. It was found that for solid germanium the function could be described using 5-10 stars of tex2html_wrap_inline7079 vectors.

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Andrew Williamson
Tue Nov 19 17:11:34 GMT 1996