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Spin Contamination

  The ground state of the silicon atoms in the bulk solid is a closed shell configuration. If a single up- or down-spin electron is excited from the valence band to the conduction band, the wave function then has a spin contamination, i.e. it is no longer an eigenstate of the tex2html_wrap_inline8199 operator. It is possible to avoid this contamination either by exciting simultaneously the electron with opposite spin, to create a biexciton, or to use a superposition of determinantal products to obtain a spin singlet state. This superposed trial wavefunction is a generalisation of the trial wavefunction introduced in chapter gif,


A spin-singlet wavefunction for diamond-structure silicon can be obtained from Eq.(gif), by the superposition of two determinantal products,


where tex2html_wrap_inline8201 indicates a Slater determinant in which one of the ground state orbitals has been replaced by an excited state orbital. In the first product, the down-spin determinant contains the ground state orbitals and the up-spin determinant has one of the ground state orbitals replaced by an excited state orbital. In the second product the up-spin determinant contains the ground state orbitals and the down-spin determinant has one of the ground state orbitals replaced with an excited state orbital.

Andrew Williamson
Tue Nov 19 17:11:34 GMT 1996