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Spinor BECs


Skyrmion-antiSkyrmion pairs in Ultracold Atomic Gases
H. M. Price and N. R. Cooper
Phys. Rev. A 83, 061605(R) (2011) [PRA, arXiv:1102.0340]

Quantum Noise, Scaling and Domain Formation in a Spinor BEC
George I. Mias, Nigel R. Cooper, S. M. Girvin
Phys. Rev. A 77, 023616 (2008) [PRA, arXiv:0710.3547]

Stable Skyrmions in two-component Bose-Einstein condensates
R. A. Battye, N. R. Cooper and P. A. Sutcliffe
Phys. Rev. Lett. 88, 080401 (2002) [PRL, cond-mat/0109448]

Skyrmions in Bose-Einstein condensates
R. A. Battye, N. R. Cooper and P. A. Sutcliffe
Journal of High Energy Physics Proceedings, PRHEP-unesp2002/009 (2002) [pdf]