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Files in src/para

File advice
flibcalls.m4h Has some system dependencies on the use
  of blas routines, i.e Cray versus the
  rest of the world. Will most likely need
  no changes.
fortranize.h Depending on the compiler, c routines must
  have a trailing underscore, or be in capitals
  in order for the linker to find them. If the
  linker doesn't find the c subroutines,
  have a closer look here.
all_to_all.fp May need some tweeking if there are hickups
data_gather.fp in the MPI implementation. Look for the
gspace_gather.fp machine-specific ifdefs there. Most likely will
isort_gather.fp need no changes.
zdiag_scalapack.fp Scalapack on the Cray uses Shmem, and that
rdiag_scalapack.fp requires some ugly workarounds.

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Jonathan Yates 2001-05-10