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Exchange correlation functional

Currently three different exchange-correlation functionals are implemented: LDA (Ceperley-Alder) and GGA (Perdew-Wang 91, Perdew Burke Ernzerhof). Spin polarized calculation is supported in all cases. You can set the exchange-correlation functional with:

exchange_correlation name_of_functional.

By default:

exchange_correlation ceperley_alder

The GGA can be switched on with:

exchange_correlation perdew_wang_91 or

exchange_correlation perdew_burke_ernzerhof

The shortened forms pw91 and pbe are also recognised options to exchange_correlation.

Note that for spin-polarized calculation you should put the following line in "input" file

number_of_spins 2

For non-spin-polarized calculation you should put

number_of_spins 1 (This is default)

Note that direct minimization (optimize insulator option) is not supported for spin-polarized calculation.

Jonathan Yates 2001-05-10