If a remote CASTEP job fails

Materials Studio verifies most of the data and settings required to perform a CASTEP job before it starts. If it cannot start the job, this generates error messages detailing the reasons.

However, sometimes jobs may fail for reasons that Materials Studio cannot verify before starting the job. In such cases, an error message giving more detailed information appears in the [seedname].castep file produced by the job or in the project log file. Other files stored in the job directory on the server, for example, Castepexe.log, may also contain further clues. To view the server-side files, you can use the Remote Gateway Web Page facility of the Job Explorer.

You cannot access a Remote Gateway Web Page for Linux SSH gateways. If you need files from completed, stopped, or failed jobs, you must access them through the file system on the Linux SSH gateway machine itself.

You cannot access a Remote Gateway Web Page for 3DEXPERIENCE Cloud jobs.

Below is a list of the most common reasons for CASTEP jobs to fail. It may help you to identify and fix any problems you have with your remote CASTEP jobs. For generic reasons for remote job failures, see If a remote job fails.

Select View | Project Log from the menu bar to see if any error or warning messages have been reported.

Common reasons for a CASTEP job to fail to start

Server-side problems

It is important to identify the reason for the failure of a CASTEP job before taking any action. In most cases, the error message produced gives a good indication of the reason for the failure. If the error message indicates that the job failed, but does not provide specific reasons, review the [seedname].castep file produced by the job or the project log.

See Also: